Thursday, December 07, 2006

On SmartArts today... guests were:
  • John Bailey filled us in on the latest news and gossip in the arts scene, in Shoot the Messenger, including word on the latest war of words in the theatre-blog scene over Short and Sweet. You can learn more about the original drama at the cached version of her blog here, and fill yourself in on the ruckus about her comments over at Alison Croggon's Theatre Notes.
  • Amy Dobson came in to talk about new theatre piece The Maya Project, based on a Hindu text that posits the world and all who live in it is but illusion... On at McCulloch Gallery, 8 Rankins Lane Melb. (off Lt Bourke St, between Elizabeth and Queen Sts.) until Dec 10 - Bookings: Ph FireEngineBlue on 03-9347-5530
  • Novice documentarian Benj Binks joined us to chat about the new movie he's making, Mongolian Bling, all about Mongolia's burgeoning hip-hop scene.
  • It's the end on an era for the graduate students from Box Hill Institute who've been studying their Diploma of Visual Arts for the last two years - not only have they finished their course, but it's never going to be offered again at this campus. Check out their end of year exhibition:

2006 "Shoot the Breeze" Graduate Visual Arts Exhibition

From baby boomers to Generation Y this graduate exhibition comprises a diverse collection of works by all twenty students, showcasing edgy contemporary art at its finest. These emerging artists have sculpted, printed, photographed, painted and installed an eclectic mix of works that indicate a solid future in the arts world. They are affordable now. An exhibition not to be missed.

Cusp Gallery - 238 High Street Northcote

hours: tue-thu 12-6, fri 12-8, sat 12-5

(03) 9482 2731

  • Next up I was joined by two of the members from Scottish quintet My Latest Novel, Gary Deveny and Paul McGeachy, who are currently touring Australia on the back of their debut album Wolves. They're playing the Corner Hotel tonight, which is where I'm headed as soon as I finish this blog post! Lovely guys, lovely accents, great band...
  • Thereafter Kristen Condon, the Curatorial Director of Teknikunst 06: Gendertopia
    came in, to chat about the arts and technology festival, now in its third year, and this year running from Saturday 9th December – Sunday 17th December 2006 at the Meat Market and North Melbourne Town Hall Arts Houses.
  • Peter Rose, the erudite gentleman who edits Australian Book Review was on next, discussing two new memoirs: North Face of Soho by Clive James (which he praised) and Things I Didn’t Know by Robert Hughes (which he didn't).

  • Finally, Tai Snaith and Alex Martinas Rowe dropped in to give me an Art Atack - our fortnightly visual arts review segment. Today they lavished praise upon the new exhibition by Tony Garafilakis, Paradise Slaves @ Uplands Gallery in Prahran

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